
White paper: Empowering green hydrogen

Data’s key role in sustainable energy generation


Green hydrogen is key to cleaner energy as the world strives for net-zero carbon goals. Our AVEVA white paper shows how data can transform energy storage. It balances renewables and shapes the future of utilities.

Key takeaways:

  • Decarbonization catalyst: Learn how green hydrogen drives decarbonization and balances renewables like wind and solar.
  • Complex value chain: Understand the green hydrogen process and the need for strong production, storage, and transport data systems.
  • Strategic insights: Get insights from a survey of 112 utilities on green hydrogen adoption and strategies.
  • Revenue opportunities: Learn how green hydrogen offers significant revenue growth potential for utilities.
  • Data-driven decision-making: Discover why data integration and situational awareness are key for informed, real-time decisions in the green hydrogen ecosystem.

Download the white paper to learn how your organization can lead in the green hydrogen revolution.

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Maximize your green hydrogen efforts with expert guidance from Roima. We help businesses implement solutions that boost efficiency and drive transformation.

Read the white paper now to harness the power of green hydrogen.
