Billund Airport: WMS controls vertical storage lifts and flow of goods to Taxfree shop​
LOGIA optimizes the flow of goods to the tax-free shop at Billund Airport and ensures that travellers never encounter empty shelves in the shop.
Storage and logistics situation
In recent years, Billund Airport has experienced a large increase in the number of visitors, and the airport has expanded with a new multi-house to increase capacity. Among other things, the multi-house is equipped with two vending machines where all the Taxfree shop’s small items are stored.
Management of automated vertical storage lifts and goods flow
The automated vertical storage lifts and the rest of the Taxfree shop’s stock are managed by the LOGIA WMS system, which links the warehouse and the shop.
The vertical storage lifts extend over 3 floors. On the ground floor, the goods are stored in the machines, and on the second floor, where the airport’s Taxfree shop is located, the goods are picked directly from the machines and placed on the store shelves.
LOGIA is integrated with the airport’s ERP system, and when an item is purchased in the store, it is immediately registered in LOGIA. Replenishment to the store is automatically initiated from LOGIA before the items are sold out. This ensures that travellers never encounter empty shelves in the Taxfree shop.
Optimized warehouse-setup
The new warehouse setup ensures maximum capacity utilization. The efficiency of work processes is increased, internal transport time is reduced, and the height of the building is utilized with compact storage in the storage machines. This gives Billund Airport the best conditions for continued growth.
Read more about Billund Airport.