
Alfa Laval: WMS streamlines project warehouse and spare parts inventory​

Shared logistics center in Aalborg

The world leading company within the technology areas of heat transfer, separation and fluid handling, Alfa Laval, has digitalised its shared logistic centre and made it more effective by implementing LOGIA.

Alfa Laval has just established a shared logistic centre in Aalborg where both the project inventory and spare part inventory are integrated. Parts to large customer projects have to be picked and packed in the right quantity and order from the project inventory. Purchasing and planning can expand over several months and are prepared and sent when it fits in with the customer’s project planning. Besides the project inventory, the company also possess a spare part inventory that functions as an inventory with spare parts to maintenance and repair of operating systems.  

The delivery is shipped at sea and it is therefore critical that the orders are complete as it both require time and resources to forward possible missing parts. 


Efficiency was needed

Alfa Laval had a need to optimise and make its warehouse more effective due to too many handlings during a day. Alfa Laval chose LOGIA Warehouse Management System that today manages the manual warehouse, everything from goods reception to shipping.

The solution integrates with Axapta 3.0 and Alfa Laval started operating with LOGIA in March 2018.

Peter Nikolajsen, Shipping Manager of Alfa Laval Aalborg states:

“Already after 6 months, we have improved our effectiveness by 10 % by using LOGIA and certainly expect that we increase it by 20 % during the fourth quarter. LOGIA provides security and quality in the processes and has further an easy-accessible user interface.”


About Alfa Laval

Alfa Laval’s headquarter is based in Sweden where it produces heat exchangers. The company has five different subsidiaries in Denmark. One of these are Alfa Laval Aalborg which is known for development, producing, delivering and servicing kettles, burners, heat exchangers and inert gas burners for vessels and industries across the world. Besides Denmark and Sweden, Alfa Laval is also located in the US, China and India.

Read more about Alfa Laval.



Shared logistics center in Aalborg

Efficiency was needed

About Alfa Laval

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