
AGV & AMR warehouse automation

LOGIA WMS Ominaisuuksien kohokohdat

Integrated control of AGV & AMR

Self-driving units such as AGVs and AMRs are increasingly utilized by companies to move goods internally. Several of our customers are leveraging this new technology and see an advantage in controlling the units in their LOGIA warehouse management system. This integration ensures optimal flow within the warehouse and between internal pick-up and delivery points, such as the warehouse, production areas, or different areas in a hospital.

LOGIA WMS can control all automated warehouse equipment, including self-driving units of several brands. The control module for AGVs and AMRs handles control and coordination in collaboration with the fleet management systems (also known as taxi systems) that communicate with the physical self-driving units. LOGIA's control module is set up and configured according to the specific needs.

AGV & AMR projects

LOGIA's control module is utilized in the following projects, among others, to manage:

  • Bed storage at the new university hospital in Aalborg, where AGVs handle the movement of beds within channel storage
  • AMR pick automation at F&H in Viborg, where racks with goods are moved from a storage location to queue at LOGIA-controlled picking stations
  • 2D shuttles at Løgstrup, where stacked pallets are moved from channel storage to a picking zone, where parts are picked to customer pallets
  • LOGIA controls and coordinates the moving, pick-up, and delivery tasks carried out by autonomous units, conveyor systems, trucks, and other manual units.

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