Distribution Management
LOGIA manages freight ordering and preparation for shipping
LOGIA WMS effectively oversees the final stages of order handling, encompassing freight ordering and shipping preparation. The system provides a view of the shipping area, including gates and ranks, while optimizing its utilization to facilitate efficient and secure order processing.
Orders are ranked in relation to pick-up gate and time
It is preferable to ensure a sequential flow of delivery to and collection from the shipping area to minimize queues at gateways and space constraints within the shipping area.
The warehouse management system controls space in the shipping area and ensures that goods are ranked optimally in terms of collection gates and order. All cargo is registered with a rank number. This ensures that the right cargo can quickly be located and loaded, and the right orders reach the right hauler.
LOGIA WMS supports automatic order prioritization, which ensures efficient handling of warehouse shipments and optimal outbound logistics.
Dynamic rank management
LOGIA controls the shipping area as a number of gates and a number of ranks with a given number of pallet spaces. Ranks can vary in size and have different locations in relation to the gates. The WMS-system controls and reserves ranks for orders in the shipping area based on loading times and volume forecasts for the orders.
Orders are allocated the appropriate space and prioritized based on the customer's proximity to the designated gate for collection and the current time slot. The loading of orders onto trucks follows a systematic reading order, guaranteeing accurate allocation of cargo to the respective hauler.
Overview screens display space requirements, degree of utilization, and reservations, and give a warning if space requirements cannot be accommodated within the scheduled loading times. This means that you can quickly reschedule orders or change loading times.
Freight forecasts and loading management
LOGIA generates freight forecasts by analyzing the number of completed pallets and anticipated pallet count. These forecasts serve as both internal rank control and information for the hauler.
LOGIA's loading management system optimizes the entire process of transferring orders from the shipping area to the truck, ensuring utmost efficiency and seamless execution.
During the collection of freight, LOGIA WMS exercises control over the selection of orders to be loaded and provides precise location guidance within the shipping area. By scanning load carrier labels during pallet loading, the system prevents the inclusion of incorrect pallets and eliminates the risk of leaving any pallets behind. Upon completion of the loading process, the captured data is utilized for the automatic generation of freight papers. This streamlined approach minimizes manual entry requirements and reduces the likelihood of errors.
Integrated freight ordering
LOGIA WMS integrates with transport administration solutions such as Consignor. The freight is ordered with a single click in the warehouse management system as part of the working procedure in the packing process.
All relevant data is collected, and you can change the hauler up until the moment the order is sent to the transport provider. This provides maximum flexibility and creates the best possible basis for optimizing freight costs: for example, in the shape of bundles and transport consolidation.
Want to know more about LOGIA WMS?
Explore further by scheduling a demo through the form or by reaching out to one of our experts directly. We're here to assist you!